Skiing and Snowboarding
We are surrounded by the natural beauty of Vermont. One of our special programs is our Winter Sports Program. Each year we take 6 school days and go experience outdoor winter sports together. Parent Chaperones are encouraged to come with us and enjoy the fun!
Pioneer Program at Mount Snow Grades 2-12
Since the beginning of GCS, we have been a part of Mount Snow’s amazing school program. Through the Pioneer program students in grades 2 and up may learn to ski, and beginning in grade 4, they may learn to snowboard. During the Pioneer Program our students take part in a 90 min lesson, and then free ski and riding with chaperones in the afternoon. We have graduated some excellent skiers and riders through this program.
Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing at Prospect Mtn Grades 6-12
This year we expanded our Winter Sports Program to Include cross country skiing and snowboarding at beautiful Prospect Mountain!
Drama Club Grades 2-12 Each year the Drama Club performs a play or musical. The Drama Club is another of our core programs. Students in elementary participate by singing songs and supporting roles. Main speaking and singing parts are reserved for middle and high school students. Students also manage all parts of the production from set design, backstage, lights, sound, and special effects. Recently we have performed the Little Mermaid Jr., Honk Jr., and Mary Poppins. This year our production is The Wizard of Oz. You are invited to attend May 1-2, 2020 6:30 pm at GCS.
Bowling Club Grades 4-12-We go to the Bennington Lanes for 6 weeks to bowl from 3-5pm. The students really enjoy this fun time together.
Other Clubs-High School students have club time built into their schedule during the school day. This fosters a time for these students to meet together to do something fun, without having to worry about after school schedules. The High School students clubs this year: Gamers, Yearbook, Art, Gym Clubs.