Are you an incoming 9th grader? Grace is the Place!! Why?
- You start at 8.30 – this fits in with your life and means you don’t have to go to sleep at 9 the previous evening!
- In an 80-minute class, you are an individual, not a number. You can get help when you get stuck. You can focus on difficult work without the bell constantly interrupting you. Best of all, you only have to think about four classes, not 7 or 8, every day.
- There are 10 minutes between classes. We don’t tell you what to do in it. You can eat, talk, text, get help. It’s actually pleasant.
- Cellphones can be used any time during free time. Enough said!
- During lunch, you have time to eat, and then flex time for other activities that are not classes such as following your interests through clubs, leadership through student government, worship through a chapel just for high school students.
- School ends at 3:15 leaving lots of time for homework, activities, sports, or just hanging out.
- This is a Christian school – not a perfect school – you’ll make friends who will be there for you no matter what life throws at you.
Not convinced yet?
- We give you freedom and responsibility – we trust you to use free time well.
- We think of you as preparing for the ‘real’ world – there is a high school commons, you have personal responsibility, there are no bells!
- As a senior, you can drive to school, juniors and seniors eat where you want
- There is a senior lounge
- Bring your own devices
Want still more?
- The teachers are terrific and really care about you as an individual created in the image of God
- The teachers actively help you pursue your goals
- The teachers are experts in their field of study – they know what they’re talking about
- The teachers are tough – you don’t want to get marks you don’t own
- The teachers utilize really cool technology and use hands-on learning
That’s got to be enough, surely? Ok, you wanted to know….
Grace prepares you for all kinds of options after senior year like:
- A college you want to attend-see where recent Alumni have attended here!
- A job you are interested in
- Going into the military
- Following a passion like art school, Bible college, film school, aeronautical school (yes, they are all real examples)
So what do you think? Take another step….
If you’re ready, plan a campus visit today!
High Schoolers
Let’s be frank. There’s not much time. There are only four years of high school and you don’t want your time wasted. Already, your parents and maybe your previous school have been talking about college, career, becoming an adult. All way too much to think about right now. At Grace, we take those things seriously – but we want you to enjoy today as well.
Most of the time, when you come to Grace, you will want to come to school. Hard to believe, right? Maybe. But here you will unleash your own passions and excitement to learn. You will become part of a happy and supportive school environment, where you will find a peer group going in the same direction, although all in different ways.
So how does it work?
Learning with Excellence: Make no mistake – we are focused on learning! You want to come to Grace? You want to learn! You are not stuck in one track and that’s it. And our teachers are all about mastery, not mediocrity. They all have degrees so they know what they’re talking about. They know and like teenagers so you will be respected and appreciated. They are all Christians so they will want a relationship with you that has Jesus as its base. Pretty powerful.
What will you do? Answer: a lot!
Learn so that you can go to college if you want to
Lead so that you can have impact on your world
What will your teachers do? Answer: a lot!
Be prepared and organized in your classes
Challenge you with lots of support
Be available outside of class so you can get help
Mentor and coach you during difficult personal issues
Do you matter in the school? Yes!
The student government collaborates with the administration (including the Head of School!) to ensure that Grace is a school for students e.g. they helped create the SGA charter in 2018; they make decisions about mission outreach, they also lead student activities.
We know you expect high standards from your teachers and from yourself. You want to do really well so that you have choices as you move through school and into what lies beyond.
You want 18 college credits while still in high school? Get it through our Early Scholars’ Program in partnership with Northeastern Baptist College.
Our students go a whole bunch of places – college (80%), directly into the work-force (15%), into the military (5%).
You see, we really believe in you. It’s your life and so your education should prepare you for a whole variety of possibilities. Apply today!